"Dictatorships & cults are based on appealing to a primitive psychological mechanism in the mass mind & implemented by way of weaponizing this mechanism..."
Wow!! I'm elated that you're doing these presentations, David! Fully understand the format and the timing of it all.. I believe this series of presentations will not only be the most controversial work you've done so far, but also the most important and vital research to get out there. There's a reason almost nobody is "going there" and the ones who do get slammed.. So much gratitude for you and your integrity and dedication to authentic research and truth seeking! 🔥
Hey, I love your show and very much appreciate the perspective you provide. In relation to the field of conspiracy, I would not call myself an amateur though I also would not consider myself an expert. The year that marks my awakening as we now call it was 2008 or so. I began questioning the monetary system. Anyhow, in the title you included “Flat Earth”. Please do not think I am a flat earth cultist or anything. I do not listen to anyone talk about the subject any more as I approach the topic with the mindset that the nature of our plane of existence is not and likely cannot for certain be known as none of us is ever going to go high enough to see a spinning ball. Something that I have contemplated over the years is the nature of gas and how it expands and fills the available space around it just as occurs in a balloon. Here is a great question for you that I would imagine you have considered tho I have not heard you speak on tge subject of earth and its nature: Can you explain without using a theory how air / gas is contained and thus dies not escape into the ao called vacuum of space? If you do not answer no big deal as I love your work and do not need to agree with you on every subject. Would not the nature of where we live and who we are be the necessary deceitful foundation for all other conspiracies? A person that knows who they are and the nature of this realm or reality will not be deceived. If someone or something “a system” has lied about many things, why should one not naturally conclude that the source for the world view cannot be trusted? The only thing that is rational for one to do is to throw out all things that cannot be verified through one’s own personal experience. Over time and careful consideration one can begin to incorporate things in a careful alembic like fashion and begin to reformulate a world view and self view in a healthy integrative manner.
To your point about the online attacks - the slanderous gang-stalking, ad hominem attacks, etc - Billy Carson was on JRE earlier today and shared how he was approached by The Flat Earth Society and asked to promote them. When he turned them down, stating his reasons, he got death threats. It's a cult - a dangerous one.
Wow!! I'm elated that you're doing these presentations, David! Fully understand the format and the timing of it all.. I believe this series of presentations will not only be the most controversial work you've done so far, but also the most important and vital research to get out there. There's a reason almost nobody is "going there" and the ones who do get slammed.. So much gratitude for you and your integrity and dedication to authentic research and truth seeking! 🔥
Hey, I love your show and very much appreciate the perspective you provide. In relation to the field of conspiracy, I would not call myself an amateur though I also would not consider myself an expert. The year that marks my awakening as we now call it was 2008 or so. I began questioning the monetary system. Anyhow, in the title you included “Flat Earth”. Please do not think I am a flat earth cultist or anything. I do not listen to anyone talk about the subject any more as I approach the topic with the mindset that the nature of our plane of existence is not and likely cannot for certain be known as none of us is ever going to go high enough to see a spinning ball. Something that I have contemplated over the years is the nature of gas and how it expands and fills the available space around it just as occurs in a balloon. Here is a great question for you that I would imagine you have considered tho I have not heard you speak on tge subject of earth and its nature: Can you explain without using a theory how air / gas is contained and thus dies not escape into the ao called vacuum of space? If you do not answer no big deal as I love your work and do not need to agree with you on every subject. Would not the nature of where we live and who we are be the necessary deceitful foundation for all other conspiracies? A person that knows who they are and the nature of this realm or reality will not be deceived. If someone or something “a system” has lied about many things, why should one not naturally conclude that the source for the world view cannot be trusted? The only thing that is rational for one to do is to throw out all things that cannot be verified through one’s own personal experience. Over time and careful consideration one can begin to incorporate things in a careful alembic like fashion and begin to reformulate a world view and self view in a healthy integrative manner.
To your point about the online attacks - the slanderous gang-stalking, ad hominem attacks, etc - Billy Carson was on JRE earlier today and shared how he was approached by The Flat Earth Society and asked to promote them. When he turned them down, stating his reasons, he got death threats. It's a cult - a dangerous one.