of course my mic decided not to connect after all lol

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Jesus Being The Light Of The World https://www.openbible.info/topics/jesus_being_the_light_of_the_world

58 Bible Verses about Light

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Light

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The Phenomena of Life - Radiogens Dr. George Washington Crile (1864-1943): https://www.lesscomplicated.net/philosophy/the-phenomena-of-life-radiogens

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Here For The Truth Episode: The Kingdom Of Heaven Within: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1hq9gIlPvzzq7IN4qsFbqM?si=9c9a386ff537495e

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I was hoping you would comment on Lucifer the light bringer. Are we missing something here. Was he at one time another sun god? It seems something’s a miss with this. It’s like the name Lucifer has been equated with Satan the most evil entity ever, and that dare not be questioned. Hasn’t the Catholic Church basically turned anything that competes into evil? Goats, the stars and any other religious figure? Aren’t most of the demons just figures of other beliefs. It seems that when Kuhn mentions him he is included among the other examples of gods. This just feels like a subject that can’t even be explored because people instantly recoil at the name because we’ve been so conditioned to. Thanks David, great work!

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Love, love, love it! Thank you, Dave, for helping to “make it more real” for me. It is such an incredibly challenging process and thing to actually achieve in this crazy messed up world we live in!

“Our immortal spirits within us are composed of the radiance substance of solar energy” — this is the divine spark within us all; “the tiny nucleus of energy.” Our very own “spark sun in our bosom.” I was not taught about any of this in school or from my parents, and have come to this same information on my own. First introduced to the idea by David Icke, but I have trouble connecting to a bunch of other stuff he says — I appreciate so much your outlook on these ideas. Now I will teach it to my daughter in homeschool; it’s such an important foundational human perspective!!!

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Great talk Dave. Been watching religious trad bros online dissect society for years and a lot aren't exactly inspiring spokesmen just like all the haranguing Christians in the comment threads lately.

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very very good !!! luv it when you do this topic, and a good nudge to catch up on Unslaved as well :)

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