Excellent points. As an Australian watching Trump handle this event in the USA, his not mandating, mentioning alternative treatments and not censoring dissenting medical opinions are all pluses. It’s interesting that once Biden got in, all the above were silenced and the USA followed a similar playbook that the rest of the 5 Eyes had already enacted.

Australian authorities were the worst in criminal and authoritarian behaviour. Now there are some lawsuits and dissent but having the USA make this ‘right turn’ at the ballot box is helping the rest of us garner more support and actual facts getting into the zeitgeist.

I agree we don’t know the deeper details but I’m all for taking heart in this last skirmish!

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What do you make of all the 9-11 references around Trump? He was the 45th President and now he'll be the 47th President... 4+5=9... 4+7=11... his first election was called on 11-9-2016... his second election was called on 11-6-2024... 6 and 9 being interchangeable. Was he not merely chosen for this at birth? Is he not just an actor playing his part... untouchable while serving his purpose? Is he not just another Freemason in a long line of controlled front men for the NWO?

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